We are a Natural Health Clinic based near Bath. We specialise in women’s health, in particular hormonal imbalances at all ages, including the peri-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal phases, throughout which we can assist you.

If you are looking for a holistic practitioner / qualified medical herbalist and you live across the UK and Europe we can still serve you.

Natural Health Clinic

Iria Kreutz Schiller, Medical Herbalist

We moved to Bath a few years ago, but we still continue to serve our client base across the UK and Europe.

Our client base is spread all over the country including greater London and abroad. Whether you are in London, Bath, Bristol or France, we are always near you.

We  help our clients across the UK and Europe via phone, emailskype consultations and through our online shop.

We provide:

Contact / visit us

You can always reach us through our website whether you are far or near. We would of course love to welcome you in person at our lovely, cosy Natural Health Clinic near Bath,  surrounded by a beautiful garden and lovely countryside.

Our natural health clinic is just 15 minutes from the center of the beautiful Georgian city of Bath.

If you are too far away or too busy to visit us:

  • Call us on:  01225 723 894
  • Email us:  iria(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)thenaturalpharmacie.co.uk
  • Or visit our website and fill in the consultation form and we will take care of you.